The Big Wheel
This is the most popular and extensive
astrological advice on the internet
For those who want to know more:
No limitation on the topics you want to cover.
What is the Big Wheel?
The Big Wheel is the most popular and most frequently booked form of advice for my customers, because it covers all areas of life and gives them the freedom to decide what type of support they would like to receive. The Big Wheel is recommended if you want to deal with more than one life theme. You can ask anything you want to know. I will take a look at the past year, the current year and the year to come. The forecast period is two years in the future.
The coming together of the three main perspectives of astrology: the event-oriented, the psychological and the spiritual are given special significance here. You will know in advance about possible risks and dangers and will be informed in detail about possibilities and alternatives, depending on the question.
We will deeply discuss and address any situation or issue that is important to you right now. My goal as a life coach is for you to feel better, more confident, and relieved from the very first conversation session. I hope that you will overcome fears as well as external and internal blockages by getting out of the victim mentality in all life situations and getting a useful picture of your individual development opportunities and chances.
Applied techniques and methods
Detailed transit investigation
Here current planetarytransitssystematically to the planets and cardinal axescompared in your natal chart. The main focus will be on the topics you want to cover. These are the clues for the interpretation. Through the transit I can see how the planetary influences affect your life over a period of time.
Graphics: Time frame with the running astrological transits. This allows clear tendencies to be identified.

The Two Color Method
The two-color method I developed is a very simple and extremely accurate way of dealing with tension and harmonic aspects in relation to your individualnatal chart . The worksheet above serves as an example. Each planet on the vertical axis corresponds to an area of life that is affected by the moving planets, creating a dynamic that manifests itself as a psychological state, person, event, or situation. The colors red and blue serve as an aid to interpretation, with the predominant color representing the main character of a Period of time displays.
Transit Analysis
In der Evaluation of planetary transits, special attention is paid to the social (Jupiter, Saturn) and outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Due to their slow motion, these planets form a permanent Background vibration that will have a lasting effect in your life. Depends on a house, in which these planets are in your natal chart and the aspects that add them to your personal planetform i can depending on question determine which relevant transits will comment in the future.
Important factors in transit analysis:
Growth, development and solution possibilities.
Obstacles, stability, limitations and fears.
freedom aspirationsand challenging changes.
Deceptions, detachment and creative ventures.
Profound processes of change and dangers.
I want to help you enlighten yourself by finding the answers you are looking for. I look forward to accompanying and supporting you on your life path. It is not the same to let everything come your way as to know in advance about tendencies, probabilities and options for action.
Consultation time: 60/70 minutes
The Big Wheel initial consultation
Online / Telephone / Skype consultation
The Big Wheel for one person
The Big Wheel for two people
The Big Wheel for three people
consulting goals
Better personal orientation: Finding answers to important life questions.
Diagnosis of your current life situation in view of future times.
Detailed analysis of formative life cycles.
Identification and prevention of possible dangers in the future (eg illness, accidents, etc.)
Optional goals
gaining self-confidence: Identifying, confronting and overcoming fears and blockades.
Finding and pursuing your true calling.
A more accurate and better understanding of your relationships (family, parents, partner, etc.)
to understand your karma.
Personalized advice on neutralizing and repelling black magic (if any).
what you get
✅ One uExtensive telephone advice and support.
✅ No limitation on the number of topics you want to cover. You can ask anything.
✅ A large forecast period of two years.
✅ A graphical guide to the future:
You will receive the following horoscope charts and worksheets by email sent:
natal chart,
current constellations,
running Transits (scored using the two-color method) for the next two years.
booking options
Booking by bank transfer
Fill out and send the order form
Enter the number of people in the form
Instant booking via online payment
The big wheel for 1 personby phone or Skype (without webcam)
Bitte bedenken Sie: Beratungsleistungen für Das Große Rad für 1 Person stehen ausschließlich der im Vertrag genannten Person zur Verfügung; Dritte sind von der Beratung ausgeschlossen.
The big wheel for 2 peopleenby phone or Skype (without webcam)
The big wheel for 3 peopleenby phone or Skype (without webcam)