The Science of Life and Light
"The sun symbolizes the
Power that penetrates all living things,
the light. Astrology is ultimately
research about this light, it
Division and its effect on the
people and life. She is
accordingly a science,
which is based on a unity consciousness,
the people, life and cosmos
~Enmanuel von Tenstern.
To understand astrology one must understand what it is not, because the few things of which the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5c5cf58d_majority -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_that people have heard are largely wrong. Daher ist es sehr verständlich, wenn viele das Wort "Astrologie" hören und sich Dinge vorstellen, die have nothing to do with astrological teaching and practice. On the one hand, astrology is not a pseudoscience, but it is the mother of all sciences and the God understanding, that is given to us humans. Nur diejenigen, die in Ihrer intellektuellen Arroganz und Ignoranz versunken sind, werden diese Wahrheit auslachen. Forming an opinion about something without first getting detailed information is, in my view , the highest form of stupidity.
Astrology has nothing to do with belief in "supernatural" powers, but in its original and pure form it is a sacred science, which leads to perfect knowledge and understanding of self and world. It is a science in which the researcher himself is part of his experiment and therein lies the difficulty not being blinded by one's own subjectivity to_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_letting. Der Forscher ist derjenige, der die ganzheitliche Verbindung zwischen Ihm und dem Kosmos erkennt und versteht. Das Experiment ergibt_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_from the interaction between his subjective perception and the so-called" objective_cc781905-5cde-6bad5cf58d".583_bad5cf58d" outside world So entsteht der Prozess des Seins und des Werdens, das, was wir als Leben verstehen. Daher_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_there is nothing to believe and also no "supernatural powers" but it is life itself and its facts what the astrological understanding and the theory_cc781905-cc78190 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_confirm. You don't have to believe that the sun is round unless you were born blind, because on what you recognize yourself and know you don't have to believe. I believe as little in astrology as in the roundness of the sun.
Ein anderes Missverständnis betrifft den angeblichen deterministischen Einfluss der Sterne, den man in who takes astrology for granted . This false assumption, which is still prevalent, obscures the true nature and purpose of our discipline. This causes people who are ignorant of astrology and its ancient history to think of it as hocus pocus. But it's not that the stars only affect us from the outside or that they rule our lives. We determine our own lives, but the stars show what our path looks like and why. We embody_they 136bad5cf58d_und accordingly there is an invisible yet real correspondence between our nature and theirs Nur wir selbst können Entscheidungen treffen und nicht die Sterne für uns. Daher ist Astrologie kein Orakel per se. There are things, people or events that are predictable, but often only up to a point, depending on some factors . However, the supreme and most useful purpose of astrology is to serve as a tool for one's own knowledge and improvement , so that one can have a harmonious -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Lifestyle. Manche Menschen wollen hören, was in ihrem Leben zukünftig passieren wird, in anderen Wörtern wollen sie, dass man ihnen takes away the decision-making power. But such people have a wrong attitude. Ich kann ihnen sagen, was an dem und jenem Tag mit höherer oder lower probability could happen. Eg "I would advise against traveling on these days because the astrological influences are not favourable. The risk of accident is too great. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Risiko am date X oder Y verreisen". But ultimately you have to decide whether to travel or not. You are free to make this decision. And if you do travel and no accident happens, then something else will certainly be wrong or problematic during your trip, I can guarantee you that. But you make the decision yourself and not the stars or planetary constellations.
Now what is astrology? Explained simply and simply, it is the exploration of the celestial bodies and their relationship to earthly life. Aber wie wissen wir Astrologen, dass es eine perfekte Beziehung zwischen dem Makrokosmos, und dem,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_was in unserem menschlichen Mikrokosmos geschieht,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_give? Not only is this relationship or analoge relationship to be proven by ascertaining the facts of life , but also by understanding the hermetic and since occult teachings primeval times give us higher perspectives and truths. These teachings are called "occult" not because they have any evil in them, but because they are hidden from most people. You can't get some information from anywhere, neither from the religion, nor from the education system, because you learn only that, what for the 910-8c19d_910-8c19d_learn -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_machinery of consumer society is important, the rest supposedly doesn't exist or shouldn't exist. Die wahre Astrologie ist dementsprechend ein Teil davon, was für den jetzigen Mainstream fremd ist, obwohl sie seit Jahrtausenden existiert . Nevertheless, the unquenchable flame of her all-encompassing wisdom is still there for those who can understand you and who want to attain higher knowledge.
Astrology is a language that encompasses all of life, including those who study it. Actually, it shouldn't be called astrology, because the assumption that it's only about "the stars" is too pathetic. This language encompasses several disciplines simultaneously, including astronomy, theology, mathematics, psychology, physics, philosophy, metaphysics, medicine, etc. Astrology is not officially seen as a science, partly because it is beyond accepted restrictive methods , assumptions and formalities of empirical evidence. Accordingly, our discipline is still classified as superstition by those who have little or no knowledge of astrology and its holistic understanding of the world. However, faith has no place in astrology, because every assumption is based on what is - or on natural facts. Astrology is not a belief system or solely an oracle of the inevitable, it is a method of fact analysis and consciousness expansion. Astrologically, the world is the laboratory, life is the experiment, and each person is their own guinea pig. The universe behaves like an intelligent being. When you make a plan, the universe creates a plan for you. Any coincidence is nothing more than a computational construction that is beyond your conscious control. The universe responds to every thought, action, intention and deed because it arose from them. Every perceptible event can be seen as a message. A message that can be understood through the language of astrology, but that not everyone can understand or even put into words. It would be enough to learn the basics of our unrecognized science and examine your own horoscope to convince yourself of their truthfulness. Therefore there is nothing to believe here, but much to learn, to observe and above all to recognize. Why astrology works is a big topic, but there should be no doubt that it works and that it corresponds to reality using analogies.
Enmanuel von Tenstern. Zehnstern Astrology.
Adam Kadmon
The human form as micro-cosmos. Jedes Sternzeichen entspricht ein Teil des menschlichen Körpers. „Der Mensch_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_is the measure of all things." - Protagoras
Astrotheologisches Understanding of God
Christian representation of the four fixed signs of the ecliptic as "the four evangelists." Matheus: Aquarius, Mark: Leo, Luke: Taurus, Scorpio: John. At the center is Christ or "the light of the world."
Graphics - Translation of English:
Religion / exoteric - allegory / esoteric - science
Temple of Solomon - Kabbalah - Freemasonry - Anatomy
I am what I am.
I am infinite potential masquerading as a person.
I am the universe experiencing itself through me.
[...] My body is the temple of the divine that rests within me.
I am the all seeing eye in the mirror room of life.
~ From Tenstars, Emmanuel.Universal Consciousness Affirmations.