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*Travel, places and relocation horoscope
(ROU horoscope)

Where is your journey going?

Astrogeographie. Zehnstern Astrologie. Enmanuel von Zehnstern. Umzugshoroskop

Advice on places

Which country or city is the best for my personal realization according to my natal chart?

In which place can I develop best and feel more comfortable?

What kind of events, people, or experiences might appear in a certain place in my life?

travel forecast

Will my journey be safe and pleasant?

When is the right time for my trip? 

relocation forecast
When is the right time to move?


*Note: ROU-Horoscope is mainly just about the topics already mentioned. All other questions will include additional costs for you.

Consultation duration: 30 minutes

ROU horoscope fee including processing time: €100

Your advantages​:

✅ You will receive all horoscope charts and worksheets by email.  

✅ Clear statement regarding other countries in the world that are suitable for emigration.

The consultation can be recorded. (Optional)

✅ Screenshots of astrogeographic maps (Optional)

✅ Forecast scope: One year​.


Please note: only travel and resettlement issues will be covered. Other life themes are excluded.

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